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richter scale 【地質學;地理學】里氏地震強度表〔強度分級〕。


Athens on september 7th at 2 : 56 p . m . local time , a strong earthquake of magnitude 5 . 9 on the richter scale occurred in the north of athens , the capital city of greece . the center of the earthquake was in the north suburban area of athens . this was the most severe earthquake to occur in athens in decades , causing injury and death to more than five hundred people , destroying many buildings and leaving thousands of people homeless 希臘首都雅典北部9月7日在當地時間下午二時五十六分左右發生芮氏規模五點九級的強烈地震,震央位于雅典北部郊區,這是雅典數十年來最嚴重的地震,至少造成五百多人傷亡及許多建筑被毀,導致幾千人無家可歸。

On may 21 , 2003 , a strong earthquake measuring 6 . 7 on the richter scale devastated the city of boumerdes , 50 km east of algiers , the capital of algeria . a total of 2 , 217 people perished , 9 , 085 were injured and more than two hundred thousand went homeless . the number of casualties continued to increase as aftershocks measuring 5 . 0 or above on the richter scale struck the affected area on may 27 , 28 and 29 5月21日,阿爾及利亞首都阿爾及爾以東50多公里處的布米爾達斯市,發生了芮氏規模6 . 7級的強烈地震,造成2217人死亡9085人受傷,二十多萬人無家可歸的嚴重災情,并于后來的27 28 29日連續發生超過五級以上的多次馀震,使得傷亡人數持續增加中。

On the morning of december 26 , 2004 , a powerful earthquake measuring 9 . 0 on the richter scale shook the seabed off the coast of the indonesian island of sumatra , triggering destructive tsunamis that caused severe damage and heavy casualties in countries around the indian ocean . more than 290 , 000 lives were lost and the number of casualties is still rising 2004年12月26日上午,南亞蘇門達臘島附近海底發生高達芮氏9 . 0級的大地震,引發印度洋大海嘯,造成臨近沿海國家嚴重災情,截至目前為止,死亡人數已高達22萬人,而實際傷亡人數仍在持續增加中。

Combined report from formosa a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7 . 3 on the richter scale struck formosa on september 21 , 1999 at 1 : 47 am . the whole island felt the tremendous shock of the quake . people were shaken out of their sleep , and in great fright some escaped outside , still holding onto their quilts 福爾摩沙在9月21日凌晨1時47分發生芮氏規模7 . 3級的強烈地震,地震發生時整個福爾摩沙天動地搖,民眾在睡夢中驚醒,許多民眾嚇得抱著棉被往外跑。

On may 21 , 2003 , a strong earthquake measuring 6 . 7 on the richter scale devastated the city of boumerdes 55 miles east of algiers , the capital of algeria . the severe damage caused by the initial quake was intensified by a series of aftershocks , making the situation even worse 5月21日,阿爾及利亞首都阿爾及爾以東55哩處的布米爾達斯市boumerdes ,發生了芮氏規模6 . 7級的強烈地震,后續并發生多次強烈馀震,造成相當嚴重的災情。

A total of 2 , 217 people perished , 9 , 085 were injured and more than two hundred thousand went homeless . the number of casualties continued to increase as aftershocks measuring 5 . 0 or above on the richter scale struck the affected area on may 27 , 28 and 29 7級的強烈地震,造成2217人死亡、 9085人受傷,二十多萬人無家可歸的嚴重災情,并于后來的27 、 28 、 29日連續發生超過五級以上的多次馀震,使得傷亡人數持續增加中。

Roup originally in indonesian on november 26 , 2004 , a powerful earthquake measuring 6 . 4 on the richter scale struck nabire , papua province , indonesia , while a series of aftershocks continued for several days gripping the area s inhabitants with fear 2004年11月26日,印尼最東部的巴布亞省papua納比雷地區nabire發生了芮氏規模6 . 4級的大地震,接連數日又發生多起馀震,讓當地居民非常恐慌。

The formosan initiates later learned from the contact person that there had been another earthquake off the coast of indonesia measuring 5 . 0 on the richter scale , and fear of another tsunami had set off the residents “ rush to safety 稍后當地聯絡人向大家解釋:有消息傳來印尼又發生五級地震,當地人很害怕海嘯再來,所以才會慌忙奔逃。

I am not talking about your big eights or nines on richter scale but fives , sixes , and below , because that ' s where mother earth will show that she is just getting ready 我不是在談論在你們的芮氏地震儀上的八或者九級的大地震,而是五級,六級或更低,因為那是大地之母將在那里顯示她是剛準備好。

On jan 26 , 2001 , a severe earthquake registering 7 . 9 on the richter scale hit gujarat , india , causing approximately 20 , 000 deaths and leaving tens of thousands of people homeless 今年的一月二十六日,印度古佳瑞地區發生了芮氏規模7 . 9級的強震,造成約二萬人死亡及數以萬計的居民無家可歸。

An earthquake measuring 5 . 4 on the richter scale shook the tokyo area before dawn , jolting many residents out of bed and causing minor injuries to at least 19 people 一場里氏5 . 4級的地震在拂曉之前震動了東京地區,劇烈的晃動把許多居民從床上摔了下來,造成至少19人受輕傷。

An earthquake measuring 6 . 2 on the richter scale has struck the island of java in indonesia . at least 13 people were reported to have been killed , with many others injured 一場里氏6 . 2級的大地震襲擊了印度尼西亞的爪哇島.據報道,至少有13個人已經死亡,還有很多人受傷。

The quake was 5 . 4 on the richter scale and the epicenter was about 40 kilometers underground in tokyo ' s neighboring ibaraki prefecture 據日本氣象廳觀測,此次地震震源位于茨城縣南部地下約40公里深處。日本有關部門在地震發生后發布了海嘯警報,但不久便解除了警報。

The initial quake that day struck at 4 to 18 , tokyo time . it measured 6 . 8 richter scale . the epicenter was 20 kilometers underground near [ ] city , n . prefecture 當日第一次地震發生在東京時間17時56分,震級為里氏6 . 8級,震中位于新?縣小千谷市附近地下20公里處。

On october 23 , an earthquake measuring 6 . 8 on the richter scale and striking only 13 kilometers underground rocked the central niigata region , killing 40 people 去年10月23日,一場發生在地面以下僅13公里處的里氏6 . 8級地震襲擊了日本新滹市中心,造成40人喪生。

Although large earthquakes are customarily re ported on the richter scale , scientists prefer to de scribe earthquakes greater than 7 . 0 on the moment magnitude scale 盡管大地震常以里氏震級來報道,但科學家喜歡用力矩量級來描述大于7 . 0級的地震。

In september 1999 , an earthquake measuring 5 . 9 on the richter scale struck athens , killing at least 143 people and leaving 60 , 000 people homeless 報道說, 1999年9月,雅典曾發生過一次里氏5 . 9級的地震,當時導致143人死亡,大約6萬人無家可歸。

Two weeks ago ruichang city in jiangxi province was hit by an earthquake measuring 5 . 7 on the richter scale . it killed 18 people and left hundreds homeless 兩周前,江西省瑞昌市遭遇了一場里氏5點7級的地震,有18人喪生,數百人無家可歸。

Spitak earthquake : in armenia an earthquake 6 . 9 on the richter scale kills nearly 25 , 000 , injures 15 , 000 and leaves 400 , 000 homeless 1988年的斯皮塔克地震:美國的一次里氏6 . 9級的地震造成近2萬5千人喪生, 1萬5千人受傷和40萬人無家可歸。